Monday, October 8, 2012

Meet Marna- Rice Library's New Director!

We are excited to welcome Marna Hostetler as the new director of Rice Library. We wanted to give you an idea of how cool our new director is so we challenged her to answer these 10 questions.

1. If you could be any fictional literary character, who would you be? Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series.

2. Soda or coffee? Definitely coffee.

3. What’s on your iPod? Prince and lots of r&b and funk. (Marna later revealed that she has seen Prince twice in concert!)

4.What's on your e-reader? Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

5. What’s your favorite gadget? Kindle Fire

6. Do you have any pets? Yes, two cats named Graycy and Trip

7. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Working at McDonald’s or the cafeteria in college

8. If you could only eat one thing at the Fall Festival, what would it be? Elephant ears...wait! Pork tenderloin for sure. (Marna then told us about the strange but true origins of the sandwhich. Read about it here in Gourmet Magazine).  

9. Fill in the blank. When I’m not in the library working, I most likely am hanging out with my five year old son.

10. Time to test your Reader’s Advisory Skills. Name one book you would suggest that college students read. The book that had a huge impact on me as a college student was A Sand County Almanac: With Other Essays on Conservation from Round River by Aldo Leopold. (Check it out from Rice Library)

Thanks to Marna for answering!

-Nicole Tekulve
Instructional Services Librarian

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